Search Engine Marketing

Google. SEO. SEM.

Google Ads & SEO Service

Google outlines 200 factors that they use to rank pages and websites – Not everyone is capable of understanding every factor that googles counts. That’s where we came in. With the team of professionals and industry Gurus, we can make sure your website ranks high in google to get you tons of traffic.

Reasons Why Your Online Business Can’t Survive Without SEO

If your business is not on the internet, your business will be out of business.

Jack Ma.

Just being on the internet is not enough, you have to win customers and convert them. Search engine optimization is essential to making sure your online business gets noticed and makes more sales. Here are 3 reasons why your business will flop if you do not get SEO done.

It Drives Traffic:

Let’s face it. If no one can find you online, then you are not likely to get business.
SEO drives traffic to your website and keeps that traffic coming back for more. When done correctly, Go Virtual Pro will make sure people are finding your website by using keywords that searchers are using.

When more people find your websites, the conversion rate is high. A high conversion rate will help you to grow your business.

It Builds Trust:

Website traffic alone cannot turn browsers into buyers. You need to build trust and authority around your brand to get sales rolling in.

SEO does just that by showing you as an expert in your field and making sure that search engines know all about it too.

Trust means that when someone needs your services or products, they know where to find you. It is a shortcut for their decision-making, and it makes them feel safe in their purchase.

When trust and authority are built around your business, you can expect more sales and better-quality leads.

It is 24/7 Promotion:

Paid advertising is great, but it isn’t free. When you use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or any other paid advertisement system to send traffic to your website, you are paying every time someone clicks on your ad. It is great for short-term promotions, but when the promotion has run its course, so does your incoming traffic.

SEO is a 24/7, year-round promotion that gets your brand in front of those who matter. It is not as fast as paid advertising, but it helps make your online presence known and continues to bring you business month after month.

SEO boosts traffic to your website and keeps it coming back for more all year long. You have a full year of free advertising right at your fingertips.

Why Choose Our SEO Service For Your Business?

High Rankings:

Go Virtual Pro believes in delivering high-quality services to our customers, and that is why we offer some of the best SEO services out there. We use organic factors to boost your rankings, which basically means that we improve your site’s search engine rankings by targeting its content and improving user experience factors. In return, you get high organic rankings on the search engines.


Go Virtual Pro believes in your success, and that is why we offer high-quality SEO services at extremely affordable rates. We do not believe in overcharging customers because we know that every business has a certain budget, and we want to help them grow within that budget without compromising on the quality of service they receive. So, you get high-quality services at affordable rates.

Brand Building:

If you want to increase your business’s credibility and establish yourself as a market leader in your niche, SEO is the way to go. Once we start working on promoting your brand and boosting its presence online, others in your industry will know about you and be willing to do business with you. So, you can improve your brand’s online presence.

User-friendly :

You can get all the reports from us about your website, marketing efforts, and other changes that have been made by our team for your business in easy-to-understand formats like graphs and data tables.

24/7 Availability:

Our highly skilled SEO professionals will always be available to work on your website. You can contact us anytime you like. Our free consultation is also available for any questions you might have regarding your website.

Our Key SEO Offerings Are:

  • SEO & Digital Marketing Services
  • Content Writing Services
  • Link Building Services
  • Digital PR Services
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Services
  • Social Media Optimization (SMO) Services

How do Google Ads work?

The service can be used in two ways – either by advertising itself or its products or to boost the visibility of ads on other websites. So if you want, say, to sell laptops, you can place your ad at the top of the search results page when a user types “buy laptop”. In this case, you will pay for each click on your ad.

What we do is we make your ad more converting by targeting the right keywords and right audience so that you can get maximum conversion even with a limited budget.

Why Are Google Ads Important For A Business?

Increased Leads and Customers:

Every business, whether it is small or large, looks for new opportunities to reach out to its target audience. Businesses with their own websites can get in touch with the targeted clients by promoting their businesses on the Google search engine.

If your ad appears when your potential customers are looking for related products, then you will get more leads and sales. For example, if I am looking for tacos in Google, then my ad will appear on the screen when I type “tacos” and my business can get maximum clicks.

Improves Brand Awareness:

Many businesses do not have their own websites, or they already have one but are still searching for opportunities to reach out to their target audience.

They can promote their business on the Google search engine and get an opportunity to increase brand awareness among potential customers. Google Ads is also a means by which businesses can come at par with their competitors and attract more clients.

Potential for a High ROI:

If your ads appear at the top of search results, then you will get maximum clicks as compared to those ads which appear on the right side or at the bottom. In this way, you can enjoy a high return on investment (ROI).

Even if your ad does not appear at the top, it can still be clicked if your target audience is searching for relevant keywords.

Targeted Reach:

Regardless of whether you have a website, blog, or any other online platform, you can promote your product on the Google search engine and benefit from targeted customers anywhere in the world.

It means that Google Ads will help you in reaching out to the people who are actually looking for your products or services. It is beyond doubt that you will get a huge number of visitors from various parts of the world including North America, Europe, Australia and much more.

The best part is, the visitors will be your desired ones- looking to buy your products.

How Does Our Digital Marketing Agency Work?

We know how to work on Google Ads and make sure that you get the most out of it.
As part of our SEO (search engine optimization) digital marketing services, we will be doing all the research for your service or product, to find keywords related to your niche which are searched by people worldwide. We will target all these keywords in Google Ads and make sure that your product or service is visible to people searching for it.

The main goal of our digital marketing agency is to boost the visibility of your website on search engine result pages (SERP) and show up when someone types in relevant keywords related to your product or service. This will help you in getting more leads and sales and ultimately improve your ROI.

What is the cost of Google Ads?

The average CPC (cost per click) on Google Ads ranges from $0.50 to $10 depending upon the targeting options you choose for your ad. If you are looking for a more precise targeting option that will help you in reaching out to your target audience, then you should definitely go for the Google Ads on the Display Network.

SEO vs. Google Ads:

We can say that SEO and Google Ads are two sides of the same coin, which means that these two work in tandem to get more qualified leads and customers for a business.

On one hand, you can promote your business on Google search engine through SEO and, on the other hand, you can get even more qualified leads by promoting your product or service via Google Ads.

For example, if someone types in general keywords related to your product or service, then they will not be prompted with specific ads targeting them individually. Hence, there is no guarantee that they will click on your ads. However, if you target more specific keywords related to your product or service, then you will get higher chances of getting more clicks and leads.

Who can use Google Ads?

Anyone who has a website or blog or any other online platform can create a Google Ads account to promote their services or products worldwide. It means that if you are looking to expand your business or just want to promote your products online, then Google Ads is the right choice.

Why choose Go Virtual Pro Digital marketing agency.?

Well, Go Virtual Pro is a leading SEO and digital marketing agency. Our team of expert marketers will help you in getting more leads and customers from search engines by promoting your business online via Google Ads and other platforms. If you are looking to expand your business or just want to promote your products or services worldwide, then we can help you with that.

Why pay more for the same services elsewhere?

Go Virtual Pro is a leading digital marketing agency offering low-cost SEO and digital marketing services which you will not find anywhere else. We have a team of expert marketers who know how to leverage Google Ads to get you more leads and customers from all over the world. So, why pay more for the same services when you can get the best ROI within your budget.

Want to increase your business conversion? Don’t hesitate to consult with our 24/7 Customer service.

Fill out our form, and we will be in touch within 24 hours. We offer our clients a FREE marketing analysis for their business.

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